Randall Munroe, criador do xkcd, sobre o design do site


“One of the things I’ve learned with doing xkcd is that you sort of give people, ‘Here’s the thing, and here’s the button you can press to get another thing.’ Sometimes that can be more easy to digest than ‘here’s a long page of things.’ You can read through it, and you get to the end and think, ‘Wow, I just read a whole bunch. Do I really want another page like this?’

I’m not a huge fan of some of the infinite scrolling things that are happening now. I think it’s really annoying to want to read partway through, and then you navigate away, and can’t get back.”

A Conversation With Randall Munroe, the Creator of XKCD

Também não consigo me acostumar com a rolagem de página infinita.